In this module you will learn about Variables, Operators, Java Wrapper Classes over Primitive Types, Expressions, Statements, Blocks and Control Flow Statements.
In this module you will learn about Data Hiding, Abstraction, Inheritance and Encapsulation, Constructors, Class Methods and Access Specifiers, Life Cycle of an Object, Types of Classes, Types of Methods, Interfaces and When to Use Them, Enum Types, Packages, Java Annotation.
In this module you will learn about Polymorphism in Java, User Defined Event Handling, Handling Internationalization.
In this module you will learn about Exception Handling, Logging in Java, Regular Expressions.
In this module you will learn about File Handling in Java (Text, Binary & XML files), Serialization.
In this module you will learn about Concurrency and the constructs of concurrent programmes, Implementing a Multithreaded Java program, Synchronizing threads, Critical Section and its protection with locks.
In this module you will learn how to use JDBC for DDL, DML and TCL and write your own stored procedures.
In this module you will learn basics of networking, Writing own TCP/IP server and client, Writing own UDP server and client, URL handling
In this module you will learn how to handle memory leak, through Design Pattern we teach loose coupling and high cohesion in designing.
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