Course Overview
Course Content
Introduction to Oracle Database
- List the features of Oracle Database 11g
- Discuss the basic design, theoretical, and physical aspects of a relational database
- Categorize the different types of SQL statements
- Describe the data set used by the course
- Log on to the database using SQL Developer environment
- Save queries to files and use script files in SQL Developer
- Hands-On
Retrieve Data using the SQL SELECT Statement
- List the capabilities of SQL SELECT statements
- Generate a report of data from the output of a basic SELECT statement
- Select All Columns
- Select Specific Columns
- Use Column Heading Defaults
- Use Arithmetic Operators
- Understand Operator Precedence
- Learn the DESCRIBE command to display the table structure
- Hands-On
Learn to Restrict and Sort Data
- Write queries that contain a WHERE clause to limit the output retrieved
- List the comparison operators and logical operators that are used in a WHERE clause
- Describe the rules of precedence for comparison and logical operators
- Use character string literals in the WHERE clause
- Write queries that contain an ORDER BY clause to sort the output of a SELECT statement
- Sort output in descending and ascending order
- Hands-On
Manage Objects with Data Dictionary Views
- Explain the data dictionary
- Use the Dictionary Views
- Table and Column Information
- Query the dictionary views for constraint information
- Query the dictionary views for view, sequence, index and synonym information
- Add a comment to a table
- Query the dictionary views for comment information
- Hands-On
Manipulate Large Data Sets
- Use Subqueries to Manipulate Data
- Retrieve Data Using a Subquery as Source
- Insert Using a Subquery as a Target
- Usage of the WITH CHECK OPTION Keyword on DML Statements
- List the types of Multitable INSERT Statements
- Use Multitable INSERT Statements
- Merge rows in a table
- Track Changes in Data over a period of time
- Hands-On
Regular Expression Support
- Use the Regular Expressions Functions and Conditions in SQL
- Use Meta Characters with Regular Expressions
- Perform a Basic Search using the REGEXP_LIKE function
- Find patterns using the REGEXP_INSTR function
- Extract Substrings using the REGEXP_SUBSTR function
- Replace Patterns Using the REGEXP_REPLACE function
- Usage of Sub-Expressions with Regular Expression Support
- Implement the REGEXP_COUNT function
- Hands-On
Create Stored Procedures
- Create a Modularized and Layered Subprogram Design
- Modularize Development With PL/SQL Blocks
- Describe the PL/SQL Execution Environment
- Identity the benefits of Using PL/SQL Subprograms
- List the differences Between Anonymous Blocks and Subprograms
- Create, Call, and Remove Stored Procedures Using the CREATE Command and SQL Developer
- Implement Procedures Parameters and Parameters Modes
- View Procedures Information Using the Data Dictionary Views and SQL Developer
- Hands-On
Create Stored Functions
- Create, Call, and Remove a Stored Function Using the CREATE Command and SQL Developer
- Identity the advantages of Using Stored Functions in SQL Statements
- List the steps to create a stored function
- Implement User-Defined Functions in SQL Statements
- Identity the restrictions when calling Functions from SQL statements
- Control Side Effects when calling Functions from SQL Expressions
- View Functions Information
- Hands-On
- Overloading Subprograms in PL/SQL
- Use the STANDARD Package
- Use Forward Declarations to Solve Illegal Procedure Reference
- Implement Package Functions in SQL and Restrictions
- Persistent State of Packages
- Persistent State of a Package Cursor
- Control Side Effects of PL/SQL Subprograms
- Invoke PL/SQL Tables of Records in Packages
- Hands-On
Design Considerations for PL/SQL Code
- Standardize Constants and Exceptions
- Understand Local Subprograms
- Write Autonomous Transactions
- Implement the NOCOPY Compiler Hint
- Invoke the PARALLEL_ENABLE Hint
- The Cross-Session PL/SQL Function Result Cache
- The DETERMINISTIC Clause with Functions
- Usage of Bulk Binding to Improve Performance
- Hands-On
- Describe Triggers
- Identify the Trigger Event Types and Body
- Business Application Scenarios for Implementing Triggers
- Create DML Triggers Using the CREATE TRIGGER Statement and SQL Developer
- Identify the Trigger Event Types, Body, and Firing (Timing)
- Statement Level Triggers Versus Row Level Triggers
- Create Instead of and Disabled Triggers
- How to Manage, Test, and Remove Triggers?
- Hands-On
Create Compound, DDL, and Event Database Triggers
- What are Compound Triggers?
- Identify the Timing-Point Sections of a Table Compound Trigger
- Compound Trigger Structure for Tables and Views
- Implement a Compound Trigger to Resolve the Mutating Table Error
- Compare Database Triggers to Stored Procedures
- Create Triggers on DDL Statements
- Create Database-Event and System-Event Triggers
- System Privileges Required to Manage Triggers
- Hands-On
The PL/SQL Compiler
- What is the PL/SQL Compiler?
- Describe the Initialization Parameters for PL/SQL Compilation
- List the New PL/SQL Compile Time Warnings
- Overview of PL/SQL Compile Time Warnings for Subprograms
- List the benefits of Compiler Warnings
- List the PL/SQL Compile Time Warning Messages Categories
- Setting the Warning Messages Levels: Using SQL Developer, PLSQL_WARNINGS Initialization Parameter, and the DBMS_WARNING Package Subprograms
- View Compiler Warnings: Using SQL Developer, SQL*Plus, or the Data Dictionary Views
- Hands-On
Manage PL/SQL Code
- What Is Conditional Compilation?
- Implement Selection Directives
- Invoke Predefined and User-Defined Inquiry Directives
- The PLSQL_CCFLAGS Parameter and the Inquiry Directive
- Conditional Compilation Error Directives to Raise User-Defined Errors
- Write DBMS_PREPROCESSOR Procedures to Print or Retrieve Source Text
- Obfuscation and Wrapping PL/SQL Code
- Hands-On
Manage Dependencies
- Overview of Schema Object Dependencies
- Query Direct Object Dependencies using the USER_DEPENDENCIES View
- Query an Object’s Status
- Invalidation of Dependent Objects
- Display the Direct and Indirect Dependencies
- Fine-Grained Dependency Management in Oracle Database 11g
- Understand Remote Dependencies
- Recompile a PL/SQL Program Unit
- Hands-On
eMexo Technologies technology provides Oracle training by experienced trainers with over 10 years of experience.
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Over 2000 happy students get trained on this affordable pricing.
No problem. eMexo Technologies will reschedule the missed classes within the course period. If required you can attend those topics with any other batches.
All of our instructors are industry experts hired by top companies and have hands-on experience with Oracle.
At eMexo, we believe that there is nothing better than hands-on practice when it comes to learning concepts. our teaching method is 100% practical. You learn a concept, you practice it then and there with the trainer. It also provides assignments for each topic that you can practice at home so that questions about the topic can be clarified to the trainer the next day.
Our trainers are expert professionals in their organizations and they often act as the interviewer to hire new candidates. Our trainers will help you prepare your resume with industry standards. After all, they know exactly what to look for in a resume.
Our trainers are professionals working in multinational corporations. They are experts in their field and they know exactly what the interviewer will look for in the candidate. Experienced trainers not only share interview questions but also conduct mock interviews to help prepare for the actual interview.
Yes, at the end of training we provide a certification of completion.
Yes, we also provide fast-track training for those who want to complete the course faster. The curriculum and the total hours required to complete the course will remain the same. However, the trainer will be spending more hours with you to complete the course.
We provide both regular and weekend training. Talk to our training partner to learn more about the timings.
Yes, apart from doing the hands-on practice our trainer will also be taking a real-world project and working with you on the implementation.
Yes, absolutely! Talk to our training counselor by phone at +91-9513216462 or email us at to arrange a free demo. You can also fill in the contact us form below and we will call you to discuss your training requirements.
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