Course Overview
Course Content
Core concepts of HTML
- Elements and Attributes (Tags, Introduction, Types (single tags/ empty tags/void tag/ self closing tag)
- paired tag
- semantic tag
- non semantic tag
- Elements Introduction (types of elements)
- attributes (types)
- predefined attributes
- global attributes
- style
- id
- class
- element specific attributes
- src
- alt
- type
- custom /user defined attributes
- HTML 5 Features with Examples
- New structural elements article ,header,footer,nav,section,and figure)
- New from control calendar, date,time,email,url,search
- New HTML5 API’s
- HTML Geolocation, HTML Drag And Drop, Web storage
- New function for embedding (audio, video, graphics(svg and canvas))
- Client-side data storage
- HTML 5 validations Attributes
Introduction & Selectors
- What is CSS
- Why Use CSS?
- How is CSS Used?
- Creating and Linking a CSS StyleSheet
- How To Test A Stylesheet
- Selectors
- What is a selector?
- The Universal/Global Selector
- TheTag/Element Selector
- The ID Selector
- The Class Selector
- The Attribute Selector
- The Relationship Selector
- Pseudo Selector
- Group Selector
- Specificity & When To Use Selectors
- What are Properties?
- The CSS General Rule
Coloring & formatting, Fonts & text manipulation
- Types of Colors
- Coloring Text
- Background colors
- Images/URLs in CSS
- Other background Properties
- Opacity / Transparency
- Gradients
- Fonts & Text Manipulation
- Introduction to types of units
- Text Manipulation
- Font Size, Bolding & Style
- Font Families
- Including external fonts W/Google Fonts
- Using External Fonts
Javascript- Front End
- Introduction to Javascript
- What is Javascript? Use of javascript?
- Trend of Javascript?
- Types of Implementing Javascript?
- Inline
- Internal
- External
- What are the Datatypes? Example for each one of them?
- Variables & Constants?
- What is Hoisting?
- Alert, Prompt andConfirm Modals
- Operators
- Types of Operators
- Examples for eachone of them
- Decision Making Statements
- What is decision making ?
- Different types?
- Examples for each one of them
- Loops
- What is loops?
- Usage
- Types of loops?
- Entry controlled vs exit controlled loops
- Examples for each one of them
- Data Storage Techniques & DOM Manipulation
- What are the types of data storage?
- Strings & Methods
- Mutable and Immutable Strings/Objects
- Arrays & Methods
- Objects & Methods
- Array of Objects?
- Object configuration and properties
- DOM & Dom Manipulations
- What is DOM & Dom Manipulation Methods?
- Types of DOM Manipulation Methods?
- Dom Selectors
- getelementById()
- getElementsByTagName()
- getElementsByClassName()
- querySelector()
- querySelectorAll()
- Adding Css using Javascript
- document.getElementById(idvalue) = value;
- Classlist
- addClass
- removeClass
- InnerHTML
- Document.write() vs innerHTML
- Attaching Event
- addEventListener()
- Detaching Event
- removeEventListener()
- Manipulating Elements
- createElement()
- appendChild()
- removeChild()
- replaceChild()
- Adding Css using Javascript
- document.getElementById(idvalue) = value;
- Classlist
- addClass
- removeClass
- InnerHTML
- Document.write() vs innerHTML
- Manipulating Attributes
- setAttribute()
- removeAttribute()
- Functions
- What are Functions in JavaScript?
- When and where to use Functions?
- 6 Ways of declaring Functions
- Arrow Functions Advantages and Disadvantages
- Immediate Invoke Function
- Declare Function as Class/Expression
- setTimeout and setInterval
- Generator Functions
- Reusable Functions
- Function Advantages and Disadvantages
- Forms & Events
- Events and Event handling
- Types of events
- Keyboard events
- keyup
- keydown
- keypress (deprecated)
- Mouse events
- click
- dblclick
- hover
- mouseover
- mousemove
- mouseleave
- contextmenu
- Form events
- submit
- blur
- focus
- reset
- change
- Page events
- load
- scroll
- resize
- What is event Bubbling And Capturing?
- Event loop
- Event Lifecycle
- Types of form validations – field validations – form validation
- Regular expressions – form validation using regex – form validation without regex
- Advanced Javascript
- Prototype in javascript
- Proto vs Prototype in JavaScript
- Closures in JavaScript
- Prototype Inheritance in JavaScript
- Adding methods for an object
- Introduction to ES6
- Arrow Functions, Spreed Operator, Rest Operator, Destructuring
- Higher Order Functions
- Map
- Reduce
- Filter
- Event Loop in JavaScript
- Object Oriented JavaScript
Bootstrap- Front End
- Introduction to BootStrap
- What is Bootstrap
- History of Bootstrap
- Versions of Bootstrap
- Popularity of Bootstrap
- Bootstrap Documentation
- Installing Bootstrap Locally
- Install or adding Bootstrap via Cdn link
- Adding Javascript cdn link
- Layout Components
- BreakPoints
- Extra small
- Small
- Medium
- Large
- Extra large
- Extra extra large
- Containers
- container- fluid
- Columns
- row
- Gutter
- Horizontal gutter
- Vertical gutter
- Row column gutter
- No gutter
- Margins
- Padding
- Components in Bootstrap
- Utilities
- Background
- Colors
- Display
- none
- inline
- inline-block
- block
- grid
- flex
- inline-flex
- Float
- float-start
- float-end
- Position
- position-static
- position-relative
- position-absolute
- position-fixed
- position-sticky
- Flex
- Direction
- flex-column
- flex-column-reverse
- flex-row flex-row-reverse justify-content justify-content-start justify-content-end justify-content-center justify-content-between justify-content-around justify-content-evenly align-items align-items-start align-items-end align-items-center align-items-baseline align-items-stretch flex-fill flex grow & shrink
- Grid
- Grid options Extra small (xs) Small (sm) Medium (md) Large (lg) Extra large (xl) Extra extra large (xxl) Containers and rows Columns Responsive Breakpoints
Core Java- Back End
- Java Introduction
- Java History
- Why Java, Features of java
- Installation
- platform-dependent, platform- independent,jdk, jre ,jvm, installation of JDK AND EDIT ++
- Structure of java program And Tokens
- Structure of java, Difference between print() and println() , Tokens
- DataTypes And Variables
- Datatypes and variables, Scope of Variable
- Operators
- Types of operators
- DynamicRead and Decision making statement
- Dynamic Read, Decision Making statements(if, if-else, if-else ladder, switch)
- Looping-Statements
- while, for-loop,do- while loop, nested loop with examples
- Logical Programming based on
- Decision Making statements
- Looping-Statements
- Logical Programs interview based
- Pattern printing program
- Methods
- static (method, variable, initializer),class loading process.
- static members
- Static (method, variable, initializer), Constructor, class and object
- non-static members And Constructor
- non-static(method, variable, initializer),Constructor, class and object
- Encapsulation , Data-Hiding, private modifie ,Getter and Setter Methods
- Inheritance (types of inheritance, diamond problem)
- Polymorphism (method overloading, method overriding)
- Abstraction, Interface
- Object class
- Introduction to Object class (overriding toString(), equals(), hashCode())
- Arrays
- 1-D Array,Arrays with example
- Logical programs on Array
- Multidimensional Array, Comparable and Comparator interface
- Strings
- String, StringBuffer, StringBuilder classes with examples
- Logical programs on Strings
- Exception handling
- Exception and its types
- Exception-Handling-Mechanism (try-catch), exception object propagation, Checked-Exception
- Unchecked-Exception, Custom-exception, throw vs throws keyword, finally-block
- Wrapper class, Introduction to Collection
- Wrapper class, Collection introduction
- Collection
- List(ArraysList, LinkedList)
- Iterator, ListIterator, for-each loop
- Set(Hashset,Treeset) , Queue, Stack
- Map interface
Spring - Back End
- Spring Framework
- Spring Framework Introduction
- Spring Basics
- Inversion of Control
- Dependency Injection, Beans Scope(Singleton,Prototype,Request,Session,Global-Session)
- Autowiring
- Spring MVC
- Spring MVC Architecture, Spring Annotations, Spring MVC Basics , Spring MVC with Maven, creation of project
- Spring mvc first program with configuration, methods used in springMVC
- Spring Boot
- Spring Boot Introduction
- Spring Boot Basics
- Why Spring Boot
- Spring Boot Features
- STS installation, creation of project, Spring-Initializer
- Deploy Spring Boot Applications on External Tomcat Server
- Spring Boot – Common Application Properties (
- Spring Boot, Hibernate with RESTFul Web Service
- Spring Boot, Spring Data with RESTFul Web Service
- Rest api’s and data jpa
- Service, Controller, DAO, DTO layers
- Spring Boot, Hibernate CRUD Application, Spring Boot, Spring Data JPA CRUD Application,
- Spring Boot, Hibernate, MySQL, Project Lombok CRUD Application
React - Front End
- React Introduction
- What is React?
- React Project Setup/React Boilerplate
- Variables and Datatypes
- Node, Module, Package, Node Package Manager(NPM)
- Create React App
- React Basics
- Virtual DOM?
- Loops, Operator and Conditions?
- Array and String Methods
- What is JSX Element
- Commenting a JSX element
- Rendering a JSX Element
- Style and className in JSX
- Injecting data to a JSX Element
- Components
- Big picture of components
- JavaScript function vs Class
- Creating React Component
- Class Component
- Functional Component
- How to create Reusable Components
- Props
- Props in Functional Component
- What is props?
- Props object
- Destructuring props
- propTypes
- defaultProps
- How to share data between components using Props
- State
- What is State in React
- How to set state in Functional Component
- How to set state in Class Component
- How to reset the State in class/functional
- Navigation
- What is a React Router ?
- BrowserRouter
- Route
- Switch
- NavLink
- Nested Routing
- Redirect
- Prompt
- Forms
- Form input fields
- Form Data Binding
- Form Validations
- Styling Forms
- API Request
- Async Request in React – Axios/Fetch
- How to do HTTP/API requests?
- GET, POST, PUT and Delete using Axios and Fetch
- LifeCycle Hooks
- Functional component Lifecycle hooks
- Class component Lifecycle hooks
- Refs and useContext
MYSQL - Data Base
- Theory, Terminology, and Concepts
- Client/Server Concepts
- Database and Database Objects
- Data Definition using SQL
- Databases
- Data Types
- Tables
- Constraints and Indexes
- Views
- Basic Data Manipulation using SQL
- Recurring SQL Constructs
- Adding data
- Modifying data
- Removing data
- Searching data
- Advanced Data Manipulation using SQL
- Expressions
- Grouping and Aggregate Functions
- Joining Tables
- Transactions
- Transaction Concepts
- SQL for working with Transaction
- Tools for Import/Export
- SQL for Import/Export
Coding for beginners might seem hard. However, starting with the basics is a great way to familiarise yourself with the syntax and the process of what it takes to create a website.This course teaches you HTML and CSS.