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Integrate Nexus with Jenkins in windows

In this topic, you will learn how to install and integrate Nexus with Jenkins on your Windows computer.
Jenkins uploads the Maven artifact to the Nexus repository.
First, download the Nexus Manager form from the link below

For Windows,

now extract the zip file and go to the path of extracted folder bin/nexus.exe
the run below command nexus.exe /run

Integrate Nexus with Jenkins - server run

Once the Nexus server runs successfully, open your favorite browser. Open using the link below
Nexus dashboard.


Dashboard - Integrate Nexus with Jenkins

If it opens successfully, then open the dashboard sign of the Nexus repository. You can see the signboard in the right corner With a button. When you click Login, you will be prompted for your username and password, and you will be asked for your username and password.
password. By default, the username and password are admin / admin123.

Once login successfully as an admin creates a new repository using the setting button –> repositories.

Repository - Integrate Nexus with Jenkins in windows Tutorial

And then click the repositories option and it will open a new page like below.

Integrate Nexus with Jenkins in windows Tutorial

Then click New Repository to create a new repository. When you click on a new repository,
Open the next page and select the move2 (host) option to create a new repository to open below
Open the page and enter the correct values ​​required to create the repository.

Create Repositories - Integrate Nexus with Jenkins

I entered the repository name as spring3 and clicked the Create Repository button at the bottom.
From now on, the default page and the rest of the options.

Integrate Nexus with Jenkins in windows Tutorial
Creating Repository - Integrate Nexus with Jenkins

Once successfully creating a repository we will get a notification like the below.

Repository updated - Integrate Nexus with Jenkins

Now see the screen below our repository is created successfully.

Configure - Integrate Nexus with Jenkins in windows Tutorial

Done our nexus configuration now open the Jenkins server and follow the below steps.

  1. Open the Jenkins dashboard using your Jenkins URL.
  2. Once open the Jenkins dashboard go to Jenkins home –> Manage Jenkins –> Manage Plugins
    –> available tab –> search for Nexus Platform plugin and click the install without restart.

Note: check whether the maven is configured or not if you must configure maven before you build
the maven project.

3. Once the upload is done now configure the nexus server to upload your build artifacts. Then goto Jenkins home –> manage Jenkins –> Configure system –> Sonatype Nexus

Integrate Nexus with Jenkins in windows Tutorial

4. Click Nexus Repository Manager 3.x Server and fill in the required columns. Then add the Nexus server credentials to Jenkins. The default credentials for the Nexus server are:

3.x Server

admin / admin123. After adding the credentials, use the Test Connection button to test the connection.
If successful, continue with the steps.

5. Next, publish new artifacts about Jenkins to your Nexus server. Go to your job
Nexus Repository Manager In the Publisher build phase, select a configuration and specify what you need.
Note: The Nexus OSS version tag option does not work as it is only available in the Pro version.

Nexus Repository Manager

6. If the upload to the Nexus repository is successful, you will see the following log console output:

Uploading Maven asset

7. Lets verify the our artefact in nexus repository.


Yes it’s successfully uploaded that’s it you’re done.


  1. At first, Install the Nexus server on your Windows computer
  2. How to run the Nexus server
  3. What you need to know to create a repository on Nexus Server
  4. How to install Nexus plug-in (Nexus platform plug-in)
  5. Jenkins configuration of Nexus server
  6. How to test the Nexus server for configuration issues
  7. How to configure Nexus properties in Jenkins jobs
  8. Check the console output for the result of the job, regardless of whether the artifact was pushed successfully.
  9. Check for artifacts pushed to different versions of Nexus servers