In this React Js course module, you will learn about MVC architecture, what is React and difference between single and multiple page applications. You will also learn how to install React, make use of NPM packages and ES6 concepts.
In this React certification course module, you will learn React core concepts like Components, State and Props. You will also learn how to build the application layout using forms and style sheets.
In this React Js course module you will learn to build an application using different route techniques and consume remote data by integrating API in React applications.
In this React Js training module, you will learn how to integrate Redux with React. Also, you will understand the other key terminologies associated with Redux to build a web application.
In this React Js Course module, you will learn how to write and handle the Asynchronous actions using Redux-Saga Middleware.
In this React Js certification course module, you will learn how to implement Class component- Stateful features within Functional components using React Hooks.
In this React Js course module, you will learn how to augment React components with GraphQL to query the data.
In this React Js online course module, you will learn how to perform application testing using Jest and later deploy the application using Docker and Nginx
In this React online course module, you will understand React Native terminologies, learn how to integrate React Native with Redux and build a mobile application using React Native
In this React Js online training module, you will build and release an Android mobile application using React Native.
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